
Discord Nuke Bot V3 By [ TheAxes ] Give Credit if You Use else: 🖕

Features 🔥

  1. -[x] Nuke
  2. -[x] MassBan
  3. -[x] MassKick
  4. -[x] Nickall
  5. -[x] MassDm
  6. -[x] Webhookspam
  7. -[x] stopwebhookspam
  8. -[x] spam
  9. -[x] DelChannel
  10. -[x] delroles
  11. -[x] Spamchannels
  12. -[x] Spamroles
  13. -[x] RenameServer
  14. -[x] adminall
  15. -[x] 24/7


  1. -[x] Help
  2. -[x] serverinfo
  3. -[x] Shutdown

How To Use

git clone https://github.com/TheAxes/Discord-Nuke-Bot-V3.git
cd Discord-Nuke-Bot-V3
Validate config.json and put token in env
python main.py

YouTube Vedio -: Youtube

Credits -:

youtube - https://youtube.com/@theaxes

GitHub - https://GitHub.com/TheAxes

Run on Repl.it

Buy Me A Coffee